A commission by Wallpaper* Magazine to create the cover of their January 2016 issue.
Using my Polyspolia "break and remake" process, I created large polished letters spelling out the phrase 'The Next Big Things' for the magazine's cover, as well as a solid polished sphere which can be found within the issue.
The original Polyspolia series is also featured in the magazine's 2016 Graduate Directory as I was chosen as one of 19 recently graduated designers (selected from around the world) to look out for.
Thermosetting plastic, calcium carbonate, wood flour, pigment
Photography by Will Yates-Johnson (2 & 9), Thomas Brown (3 & 4) and Jaroslav Moravec (5, 7 & 8)

Making the polished letters for 'The Next Big Things'

Making the solid polished sphere